I was born in Liverpool, England . I spent my first 3 years in Cameroon, then moved to Budapest, Hungary for 6 years. I then moved to France in 2012. I have four younger siblings and have always loved looking after children. I am particularly interested in teaching using a multi-sensorial approach and my aim is to make each child feel comfortable and ready to learn! I enjoy travelling, horse riding and being with children.
I started working at Le Petit Monde three years ago. During my first year, I was Fatima’s teaching assistant in TPS-PS For the last two years, I have been an assistant in Janet’s class with TPS-PS the first year and PS the second year. I am also part of the Actilangues team so I will see you around on Wednesdays and during day camps!
89 Rue André Bollier Lyon 69007
04 72 71 42 36
De 8h à 18h30